Sunday, November 18, 2007

When Did I Become a TV Addict?

Back when I was in college I rarely watched TV. It meant going downstairs to the main lobby and dealing with the rowdies who lived in the dorm. I didn't enjoy that much, so I usually spent my time in my room on the internet.

It's funny how I used to talk bad about reality television and said that it was a stupid fad that would go out of style before too long. Now that I'm out of school reality TV has made me its slave. I now understand why some people get so obsessed with these shows. You find yourself invested in the outcome because the shows involve real people and you care about the ones you like. I find myself not being able to miss "Beauty and the Geek", "The Next Great American Band", and "Dancing With the Stars". Other shows like "Jeopardy!", "Don't Forget the Lyrics!" and "American Idol Rewind" have also sucked me in. Once some of these shows end Season 7 of "American Idol" is going to start. If you told me a year ago that I'd be another "Idol" addict I wouldn't have believed you. Now I not only follow the American version, but the Canadian version and to some extent the Australian one. I also watch a lot of sports. What's happening to me? I'm spending way too much time in front of the tube.

I suppose reality TV gives us a way to live vicariously through others and to enjoy the excitement of competition at the same time. It's really not that different from watching sports if you think about it. Still, sports seems more respectable. Perhaps I'm too far into this current crop of shows so I might as well finish out the season.

By the way, vote for Très Bien! on "The Next Great American Band"!

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